lundi 4 novembre 2013

What do you say about DIY Mosaic Bedside Table

If you are one of the people who is bored with the plain appearance of the ordinary items and you just know that you can do something more creative and interesting from the same, then you are on the right place to be. The bedside tables, usually come in plain and dull form, and in order to boost its appearance you will need just a couple of supplies and a lot of creativity. The best of all is that you can create a new bedside mosaic table from old chair. Transform your plain chair super cool mosaic table. Check the steps of this tutorial and learn your way to super cool, artistic bedside table.
To do this mosaic bedside table, you will need the next supplies:
- A chair
- Grout
- Few glass pebbles in any color you like

      1. Apply the grout on the chair
1.Apply the grout on the chair

Apply the grout on the chair in one thick and solid layer. Fix the layer of grout to be equal and solid. To avoid mess on the floor, you should put an old newspaper under the chair.
2. Put the pebbles on the grout
2.Put the pebles on the grout

Right after you have aplied the grout on the chair, arrange the pebbles on the fresh grout. You can put as many pebbles as you like, but in order to create a mosaic appereance is adviasable to apply as manny pebbles as posiable.
3.Smooth the grout along with the pebbles
3.Smoothen the grout along with the pebles

Smooth  the pebbles into the grout with a special tool in order to create a equal layer and natural look of the mosaic.
4.Leave the chair to dry out
4.Leave the chair to dry out

It is advisable to leave the chair which now will be a bedside table to dry out for one or two hours.
5.Enjoy in your new mosaic bedside table
5.Enjoy in your new mosasic bedside table

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