mardi 12 novembre 2013

Hijab Tutorial – Full chest coverage

We all want to wear a stylish yet modest hijab, We would love to look beautiful in the style that most suits us but keep it well covered at the same time, according to the right way of wearing the hijab which is covering every part of the hair, neck and chest.
We know that when we try to style up our hijab or create folds on our hijab we lost half of the hijab length, because folds requires a maxi scarf , therefore no more fabric for covering our chest. But there is 100 and one way of doing both, below is a tutorial of how to wear hijab with a full chest coverage along with folds, this way you can generously apply your style and keep your chest well covered.

You will need an underscarf (optional), a maxi scarf, maximum 3 pins, one to fix the scarf Under your chin, one to fix the short side of the scarf on your head (for volume) and the last one to fix the long side of the scarf and the folds that you are going to create.
Hijab Tutorial - Full chest coverage
Hijab Tutorial – Full chest coverage

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