mercredi 25 décembre 2013

Awesome Side Draped Hijab Tutorial

Side draped hijab styles are the most popular not only among young women but for all Hijabis in general. It is a trendy style that will always make you feel and look good. This tutorial below is from blogger Dina Tokio, a very talented blogger. This is her newest tutorial that we proudly bring to you, so you all can embrace this gorgeous style. Not only the picture tutorial is super easy to follow, but actually after a few times you will be able to wear your hijab without the need of this tutorial. In order to create this hijab tutorial you will need a long scarf and pins.  Simply follow these steps and you will be able to create the same exact hijab style. Try it now!
NEW Side Draped Hijab Tutorial
NEW Side Draped Hijab Tutorial

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